Episode 010 – Hobgoblin Farts

Double Digits! In this episode we start off playing with Owen’s latest toy–Tiggly Shapes. Then we read his favorite new book, Monster ABC, by Kyle and Derek Sullivan, currently featured on Kickstarter. After I read it to Owen, he wanted to read it to me (with a little help.) Then we talk about our upcoming trip to the tidal pools. Finally, we sign off by singing happy birthday to Owen’s Oma Lennie.

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Episode 009 – Chutes and Ladders

A long weekend! In this episode we sing Three Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and then have a little tickle party. Then we break out Owen’s new Marvel Chutes and Ladders Super Hero Squad that he got from his aunt Michelle and aunt Wendi. We sing the clean-up song when we’re all done, and then Owen asks to watch an episode of Tabletop with Wil Wheaton. After watching the episode, we quickly added Takenoko to our wish list.

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Episode 008 – Pink Kitchen

Happy Mother’s Day! In this episode we play with a kitchen Owen got from one of our neighbors through the Buy Nothing South Seattle Group. He cooks us up some food and even serves us some beer. There’s a little shout out to Ruby Roth and her V is for Vegan book as well.

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Episode 007 – Trashcan Raccoon

Today we play with Owen’s stuffed trashcan raccoon,  an underwater animal puzzle, Pete (that’s what we call his binky–it has a monkey attached to it), his alphabet puzzle, and talk about teamwork and asking nicely for things.

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Episode 006 – Grandma Pat

In today’s episode we sing “Five Little Monkies Jumping on the Bed, talk about hanging out with Sebastian and Sarah, discuss Captain Owen’s first Gundam model kit and first Funko Pop vinyl toy, Nemo, his Melissa & Doug alphabet puzzle from Grandpa Rob, and say farewell to Grandma Pat who passed away last week.

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Episode 005 – Emerald City Comic Con

In today’s episode we mainly talk about Emerald City Comic Con, which I wrote a whole post about, but we also discuss the zoo, the Zoo Webs card game, grandpa’s visit, his special pillow from Grandma Shelly, and a visit to Oma’s house.

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Episode 004 – Happy Birthday

In today’s episode we talk about Captain Owen and Sebastian’s second birthday party, robots, the aquarium, Octonauts (again), Captain Owen’s new baby doll – Baby Sam, his birthday dinner at Cafe Flora, an abbreviated reading of The Gruffalo, the ABC song, Daniel Tiger and the Oh, David! books.

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Episode 003 – Aquarium and Zoo

In today’s episode we talk about Captain Owen’s friends Sebastian, Eli, Sufi, and Mason, a visit to the Aquarium, the latest issue of National Geographic Kids, a visit to the zoo, and sing Old MacDonald. Captain Owen’s mom joins in a couple times as well. I apologize now for a few spots where there is some background noise I couldn’t edit out.

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Episode 002 – Bedtime

This week the podcast was intended to illustrate a routine bedtime but after reading Don’t Push the Button by Bill Cotter and Octonauts and the Sea of Shade by Meomi we had a brief Lion King Musical Interlude with Owen’s mom Sarah when he demanded some lotion for his face. We then finished off with a reading of My Little Geek by Andrew and Sarah Spear and Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Jen Corace. I will apologize now for the ending of the podcast – me singing before putting Captain Owen down to bed. Links for all of the books can be found below.

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Don’t Push the Button!
Octonauts and the Sea of Shade
My Little Geek
Little Pea

Episode 001 – Kicking it Off

Our first episode covers a wide range of random things I pieced together while field testing our equipment so its a bit less organized than future episodes. Please sit back and enjoy hearing about friends, Thomas the train, singing Slippery Fish, Batman, dinnertime, the Seahawks, tattoos, star wars race medals and characters, our dogs – Pepper and Katie, jumping, a Caspar Babypants dance party, learning to fist bump.

Please send us any questions or feedback by leaving a comment below, sending an email to captainowenj@gmail.com or on twitter @captainowenj