Episode 032 – Baby Hazel

Things have become a little crazy around here with the latest addition to our family, Baby Hazel! We start this episode with a sincere thank you to the folks over at Dreamworks for sending Captain Owen an awesome little care package of the die-cast DinoTrux toys. In my opinion, these are the best of the whole line–they are sturdy because of the metal, and they’re a convenient size to take pretty much anywhere (which we have been). Owen then sings a song to his new baby sister before holding her and making up some stories for her.

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Episode 030 – ‘Dinotrux’

First of all, happy Mother’s Day to all the mom parental units out there. Today we talk a little bit about Owen’s Thomas the Train collection before diving in to his latest geekdom–Dinotrux. We read the original Dinotrux book by Chris Gall before also discussing the Netflix cartoon and related toys.

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Episode 029 – ‘The Jungle Book’

As you may have noticed, last week was a skip week thanks to Emerald City Comicon, but we are now back on schedule! We saw The Jungle Book yesterday and we had talk a little about Captain Owen’s initial reactions right after the movie. We discussed it again today and got very different feedback. We also sing a couple of songs and discuss Owen’s newest geekdom–DinoTrux.

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